Welcome to ExperienceVen - the visitors guide to the island of Ven in Öresund, 30 minutes ferry ride from the mainland. In the middle of the narrow blue sound of Öresund, Ven rises steeply out of the sea and forms a lush plateau with superb views of the Swedish and Danish coast lines. Ven is an island that is easy to experience and just as easy to fall in love with.
Nature & Excursions
Visiting Ven often feels like being on a huge ship.
Hike Ven around on the Skåneleden Trail
The Skåneleden Trail will take you around almost the entire island at your own pace. 12km scandian coastal landscape awaits you.
Beställ våra unika bilder, vykort och posters från Ven
I vår shop kan du beställa våra fotografier, vykort och posters med motiv från Ven och Öresund.
Experiences for all ages and tastes
Find experiences on Ven! The island has something for everybody. Choose between food, nature, historical excursions, or maybe something for the children to discover.
The story and history of Ven
Placed in the middle of the sound, Ven has attracted the eyes and interest of bypassing travelers for centuries, contributing to its intriguing history.
Ven is also on Instagram
Follow @the.island.of.ven on Instagram for photos from Ven – all year round!